
Jim (Admin)/ October 11, 2020/ Children's Fiction, Inspiration/ 0 comments

Dreamland is a fictional place visited by Eric and his friends in the books “Dragon Boy” and “The Broken Unicorn”. It is an imaginary place yet feels very real to the protagonists. Perhaps there is a real world parallel. When Eric first discovered Dreamland he had been imagining that he was a dragon flying around his town. Then he realised

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Musing over Muse

Jim (Admin)/ September 25, 2020/ Inspiration/ 0 comments

The Muses Clio, Euterpe, and Thalia, by Eustache Le Sueur, c. 1652-1655 I was talking to a friend the other day about the muse. How it sometimes seems to be evasive. Yet sometimes it hits like a lightbulb going off in my head. The muse is that “Aha!” moment when inspiration for an idea, a story a piece of art,

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5 Reasons why Kids should know about Metaphysics

Jim (Admin)/ July 20, 2019/ Children's Fiction, Metaphysics/ 0 comments

If you mind it matters The sooner a child knows that whatever they give their attention to the greater and more dominant that thing becomes, the better that child will learn to conquer life and its challenges. The negative person will experience much more negative circumstances than the person who is overly positive. Like attracts like. But being positive is

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What is Metaphysics?

Jim (Admin)/ June 25, 2019/ Metaphysics/ 0 comments

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay The Wikipedia definition: Metaphysics is a traditional branch of philosophy concerned with explaining the fundamental nature of being and the world, although the term is not easily defined. Traditionally, metaphysics attempts to answer two basic questions in the broadest possible terms: What is there? What is it like? I would add:Who am I? Why am I

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Showing Kids How to Dream

Jim (Admin)/ April 10, 2019/ Children's Fiction/ 0 comments

Our first publication is Dragon Boy (June 2019). This first book aimed at the younger reader deals a lot about dreaming, visualising and manifesting those dreams. Although this is highly fantasised the principles are metaphysical and very real. We ask the author, Jim Murdoch, what were his intentions in writing this story. JM: First of all, let me stress that

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What’s in a Book?

Jim (Admin)/ February 13, 2019/ Publishing/ 0 comments

Writing a book is a lot more than writing. A lot of various processes go into producing a book before you get to read it. And that is after months of plotting, writing and rewriting before a finished story lies before the writer. Editing is the unavoidable next step when the story has been finished. This is where someone else

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Taking Fantasy to New Highs

Jim (Admin)/ February 8, 2019/ Our story/ 0 comments

This spring, 2019, I will be releasing my first children’s metaphysical fantasy book. It will be my fifth fantasy book overall. Now is the time to be more visible, the time to get real. Until now I have self-published under Amazon’s Create Space / KDP umbrella. My books were released with free Amazon ISDN numbers. This may have got my

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